by Alyson Camus
"I had already seen Prettiest Eyes at one of these mini festivals (FOMO 2016) earlier this year, and they had left quite an impression on everyone with their bold and distorted fuzz. And they did it again last night, starting a mini riot with the aggression of punk, the oddity of electronic noise, combined with a sexy and menacing cowboy dance, charging from every stage corner. It was deafening and a bit crazy, wild and fun, with a loudness jumping at your face like a zombie attack, or hypnotizing the audience with an almost mechanical precision. They brought a smell of danger by their constant moves, bassist Marco even moshed with the audience, while drummer Pachy didn’t stop screaming with echoing vocals over Paco’s electronic buzzing weirdness. Their fast-paced and throbbing music unleashed some sweaty madness, so that people got loose and inevitably forced me to move to the side of the stage." -Alyson Camus
Prettiest Eyes performs LSD at the Echo on Friday July 29th 2016